Laser Hair Removal FAQs banner image with the Miami Skin Spa Logo and the Excel HR Laser Hair Removal device on the background

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is not a very intense procedure. However, there are proper steps that must be followed in order to maximize results.  

Any products that cause photosensitivity should also be avoided. Chemical peels, topical products, etc are all included in here.

You should discuss with your primary care physician and/or dermatologist and products you are using before a laser hair removal treatment. In general, tazorac, accutane, or any other strong anti-acne medicines should not be combined with laser hair removal.

What to do Before Laser Hair Removal

To prepare for your laser hair removal you must make sure you follow the below instructions:

  • Do not wax or pluck between treatments, just shave 1-2 days before treatment.
  • Do not apply any creams/oils in the area the day of the treatment.
  • Do not use any spray tans or sunless tanning products 
  • We do not treat patients who have taken Accutane in the past 6 months.
  • Anticoagulants may increase the risk of purpura or bruising.
  • You should also avoid waxing, plucking or tweezing the hairs being treated throughout your laser treatment. 
  • Sun exposure and tanning beds should be avoided at least 1 week before the treatment. Do not use any spray tans or sunless tanning products.
  • If your skin is burnt or tan it is best to wait until the tan and redness subsides before getting your treatment. 

Do You Shave Before Laser Hair Removal

Yes, shave the area 1-2 days before the removal session. You should also avoid applying any type of creams or oils to the area that will be treated the day of the laser treatment. 

Before any treatments, we ask that our patients shave at least 24 hours before the appointment. Having the nurses shave our patients is a very big inconvenience, and will make the treatment take longer. 

Can I Do Laser Hair Removal After Tanning

Sun Tanning and/or using a sun bed is strongly advised against. These activities put the skin in a fragile state and applying a laser to recently tanned skin is not a very comfortable experience for the patient.

Sun Exposure Before Laser Hair Removal

Moreover, the treatment area should be protected from sun at all times, at least two weeks leading up to the treatment. UV Sunblock with an SPF of at least 30 should be applied whenever going outside. 

The procedure can still be performed but it will hurt more. 

Book your free consultation to get your laser hair removal treatment started.

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